Tonight, Big Brother gave the remaining housemates the biggest shock of the season by revealing six intimidating intruders to the game which were hiding under the large table that Big Brother had set up in the garden.

After the initial shock, the original housemates began to see the potential plus sides to the new contenders in the game. However, with only four spots in the house up for grabs, the intruders have to prove they have what it takes to stay in the game.
In the intruders’ challenge, muscle man Mitch released the beast within, becoming the first fully-fledged housemate.

Then it was up to the original housemates to choose which of the five remaining intruders would be next to gain housemate status.
While Christina favoured Brenton, others looked to Gabe who they deemed to be no physical threat to their games. It was former rivals Daniel and Jess however who found themselves on the same page and having the final say, with 53-year-old social powerhouse Adriana becoming the second intruder to score a place in the house.
Tuesday 7.30pm Big Brother’s panic room takes two new victims. Which two intruders will rise to the challenge and join the game for good.