It was double trouble as the twins were offered a lifeline. Intruders Mitch and Adriana settled in as the first two fully-fledged housemates, while charmer Brenton, secret strategist Gabe and double-threat Alex and Charlotte busied themselves trying to make a good impression.
Daniel had a meltdown while tackling the latest panic room task alongside Sid.
With sparks flying between Brenton and ‘smitten kitten’ Christina, his determination to stay secured him a win at the challenge and a spot in the house. It was then up to the original housemates to choose the fourth and final intruder for the game.
Sid and Ari wanted to keep Gabe, while Jess and Danny rallied hard for Alex. In the eviction room, a teary Charlotte tried to sacrifice herself for twin sister Alex, but it wasn’t enough as Gabe received the most votes to stay.
As the twins departed, Big Brother delivered his greatest twist yet, offering them a lifeline to stay in the game. With only one bonus spot to fight for, which twin wants it most?
Tune in on Wednesday at 7.30pm on 7 to witness the twins go head to head and Gabe delivers some shocking news!