On tonights Big Brother, Reggie is feeling the loss of her best friend Dave.
With last night’s eviction of Dave, the OGs are as fractured as ever. Meanwhile, Brenton is number one Housemate on Tim’s hit list. Tim and Reggie talk about making sure both intruders are evicted ASAP, whist unbeknownst to them, Jules is listening to their whole conversation.
Shopping task – The Crane of Temptation – the HMs must resist several of BB’s temptations to earn money. The HMs will be tempted with videos from home, family members and more.

While the housemates got a lot of love from home, at the end of the task they only won $80 for the week’s groceries!
Jules tells Brenton about Tim and Reggie’s plan. Brenton starts plotting Tim’s demise. Meanwhile, Tim and Estelle need to make up for the OGs’ plan of take out intruders work.
For the house challenge, HOH Johnson has the power to banish two HMs in the waiting room and only time will tell if it’s an advantage or disadvantage. He banishes Tim and Brenton.

The house challenge is in pairs and the winners will be safe from nominations. Jaycee and Taras win.
Although Tim and Brenton have no idea what is going on in the house, BB tells the other HMs that they also cannot be nominated.
In the scramble, things get tricky as there are only seven housemates to choose from for house nominations (Tim and Brenton in The Waiting Room / Johnson safe as HOH / Taras and Jaycee winners of challenge), so conversations start happening everywhere. HM’s run from room to room desperate to work out what to do.
At the end of House Nominations, it’s Jules, Drew and Estelle who are nominated and up for eviction.
Afterwards, Jules and Estelle meet in the Treehouse and are both upset as they are pitted against each other, promising not to vote for each other and Tim and Brenton are still waiting in the Waiting Room to discover their fate (in their matching pyjamas!).